Wheels and Waves turns 14.
Fourteen editions, one affirmation: the enduring spirit of an idea, a flame that still burns just as brightly. Far from being a simple utopia, Wheels and Waves has firmly established itself in the cultural landscape—not just as an event, but as a true movement. For over a decade, we have been both witnesses and actors in an unparalleled creative surge. Wheels and Waves hasn’t just accompanied the revival of custom culture; it has become a major player, a catalyst for ideas and passions. Motorcycles, surfing, skateboarding, art—all disciplines meet, intersect, and enrich each other at the heart of our event.
Once again this year, we are driven by the same desire: to push boundaries, explore new horizons, surprise, and inspire awe. We aim to offer our audience an immersive experience, a timeless journey where creativity reigns supreme and genuine connections are forged. We enthusiastically observe the constant evolution of the custom scenes, the emergence of new talents, and the reinvention of aesthetics. This palpable energy inspires and motivates us to deliver an even richer and more innovative 2025 edition.
Thanks to the continued trust of our partners, exhibitors and visitors, the true pillars of this adventure, we are building an event that resonates far beyond its borders. An event where every participant, every contributor, every enthusiast can proudly say: «I WAS THERE!».
Join us from June 11 to 15, 2025, to write the next chapter of this unique story together.